To express approximation in Japanese there are two expressions :
• くらい (or ぐらい)
• ころ(or ごろ)
We will teach you how to use these particles and what are the differences between them.

くらい can be used to express approximation of the quantity, size, level, or time.
くらい sometimes becomes ぐらい, but both are exactly the same.
Let’s see how to use くらい to describe approximation for different things.
Amount + くらい
NOTE || くらい is attached after an amount of time, a number of items, and the size of something.
You can also use words like 半分 (half) or 同じ (the same), if you don’t have a specific number.
この本はもう半分くらい読みました。 | Kono hon wa mou hanbun kurai yomi mashita. | I have already read about half of this book. |
グラスに半分くらいビールを注いでください。 | Gurasu ni hanbun kurai biiru wo sosoide kudasai. | Could you please pour beer about half of this glass? |
リンゴジュースを作るのにリンゴを3個くらい使います。 | Ringo juusu wo tsukuru noni ringo wo 3 ko kurai tsukai masu. | I need around 3 apples to make apple juice. |
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うちの弟の身長は170センチくらいです。 | Uchi no otouto no shinchou wa 170 senchi kurai desu. | My younger brother’s height is around 170 cm. |
父と僕の体重は同じくらいです。 | Chichi to boku no taijuu wa onaji kurai desu. | My father and I are about the same weight. |
友だちへのプレゼントを20個くらい用意する必要があります。 | Tomodachi eno purezento wo 20 ko kurai youi suru hitsuyou ga ari masu. | I have to prepare about 20 gifts for my friends. |
Time/Date + くらいに
くらい can also be attached after the word that indicates a time or date.
午後7時くらいに配達します。 | Gogo 7 ji kurai ni haitatsu shimasu. | I will deliver around 7 pm. |
2年後くらいに彼女と結婚出来たらいいな。 | 2 nen go kurai ni kanojo to kekkon dekitara iina. | I am hoping to get married to my girlfriend about 2 years later. |
午前8時くらいに家を出発する予定です。 | Gozen 8 ji kurai ni ie wo shuppatsu suru yotei desu. | I am planning to leave my home around 8 am. |
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来週くらいに一緒に夕食を食べに行きましょう。 | Raishuu kurai ni issho ni yuushoku wo tabe ni iki mashou. | Let’s go for dinner together around next week. |
来年の3月くらいにアメリカに行く予定です。 | Rainen no 3 gatsu kurai ni amerika ni iku yotei desu. | I am planning to go to the US around March next year. |
今日朝10時くらいに友だちが家に来る予定です。 | Kyou asa 10 ji kurai ni tomodachi ga ie ni kuru yotei desu. | My friend will be coming to my place around 10 am today. |
ころ and くらい are very similar because both mean “approximately”, but they have slight differences.
The word ころ is used when speaking about points in time, while くらい is limited to expressing more specific time.
Also, ころ needs to be attached to the end of a noun, or a noun followed by の.
Point in time + ころ
晩ごはんは何時ごろですか? | Ban gohan wa nanji goro desu ka? | Around what time is dinner? |
子どものころ、友だちとよく野球をしました。 | Kodomo no koro tomodachi to yoku yakyuu wo shimashita. | Around when I was a child, I often played baseball with my friends. |
私は大学生のころに韓国語を勉強しました。 | Watashi wa daigakusei no koro ni kankokugo wo benkyou shimashita. | I studied the Korean language around the time when I was a college student. |
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来週ごろに台風が来ることが予想されます。 | Raishuu goro ni taifuu ga kuru koto ga yosou sare masu. | Typhoon is expected to arrive around next week. |
今日は夜11時ごろに帰るから先に寝ていてね。 | Kyou wa 11 ji goro ni kaeru kara saki ni nete itene. | You can go to bed first because I’ll be home around 11 pm today. |
何時ごろに事務所に行けばいいですか? | Nanji goro ni jimusho ni ikeba ii desuka? | Around what time should I come to the office? |

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What difference between くらい and ころ?
くらい is primarily used to indicate approximate quantities, degrees, or extents, while ころ refers to an approximate point in time.
Can くらい and ころ be used interchangeably?
No, they are not interchangeable.
くらい is used for quantities or degrees (e.g., “about 10 minutes”), whereas ころ is used for approximate times (e.g., “around 3 o’clock” or “around my childhood”).
Are there any formal alternatives to くらい and ころ?
In more formal situations, you might use ほど instead of くらい to express approximation.
For example, 10分くらい can become 10分ほど.
However, ほど cannot replace ころ, as they serve different grammatical purposes.
Can ころ be used with actions or events?
Yes, ころ can describe the approximate time when an action or event took place.
For instance, 学生のころ means “around the time I was a student.”
Are there nuances when combining くらい or ころ with other particles?
Yes, combining these with particles like に (e.g., 3時ころに) or は (e.g., これくらいは) can add additional nuance or emphasize specific aspects of the sentence.
Context determines the appropriate combination.
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