Welcome to this new grammar lesson! Today will be all about as soon as in Japanese.
Various words can help build a sentence and express as soon as.
Each is used with a specific sentence structure, so make sure to study all of them:
が早いか ga hayai ka
Here is the first form with which we can express “as soon as”:
Verb (dictionary form) + が早いか
This is used to express “as soon as ___ happens, ___ happens”.
や否や (ya ina ya) is the exact same but only used in writing.
japanese | romaji | english |
彼は試合が始まるが早いか、ホームランを打った。 | Kare wa shiai ga hajimaru ga hayai ka, homuran o utta. | As soon as the game started, he hit a home run. |
会議が終わるが早いか、彼女は新しい提案を出した。 | Kaigi ga owaru ga hayai ka, kanojo wa atarashii teian o dashita. | As soon as the meeting ended, she presented a new proposal. |
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子供たちは学校のベルが鳴るが早いか、教室から飛び出して遊び始めた。 | Kodomotachi wa gakkou no beru ga naru ga hayai ka, kyoushitsu kara tobidashite asobi hajimeta. | As soon as the school bell rang, the children rushed out to start playing. |
彼は新しい本を手に入れるが早いか、夜通し読み続けた。 | Kare wa atarashii hon o te ni ireru ga hayai ka, yodooshi yomi tsuzuketa. | As soon as he got a new book, he read it throughout the night. |
飛行機が着陸するが早いか、大歓声を上げた。 | Karera wa hikouki ga chakuriku suru ga hayai ka, daikansei o ageta. | As soon as the plane landed, they erupted in cheers. |
雨が止むが早いか、彼らは野外でピクニックを始めた。 | Ame ga yamu ga hayai ka, karera wa yagai de pikunikku o hajimeta. | As soon as the rain stopped, they started a picnic outdoors. |
会社の扉が開くが早いか、社員たちは仕事に取りかかった。 | Kaisha no tobira ga aku ga hayai ka, shain-tachi wa shigoto ni torikakatta. | As soon as the company’s door opened, the employees began working. |
彼はディスカッションが始まるが早いか、自分の意見を述べた。 | Kare wa disukasshon ga hajimaru ga hayai ka, jibun no iken o nobeta. | As soon as the discussion started, he voiced his opinion. |
次第 shidai
This one is used to talk about the future. It would be unnatural to talk about the past using it.
Remove ます from the verb + add 次第
This is used to express “As soon as x happens, y”.
NOTE || Noun + 次第で shidai de / 次第だ shidai da means “depending on,” as in the sentence, “You might pass the test, but it depends on your hard work.”
japanese | romaji | english |
太陽が沈み次第、暗くなります。 | Taiyou ga shizumi shidai, kuraku narimasu. | As soon as the sun sets, it gets dark. |
会議が終わり次第、私たちは出来ます。 | Kaigi ga owari shidai, watashitachi wa dekimasu. | As soon as the meeting ends, we can leave. |
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彼が着き次第、私はあなたに電話します。 | Kare ga tsuki shidai, watashi wa anata ni denwa shimasu. | As soon as he arrives, I will call you. |
雨が降り出し次第、洗濯物を中に下さい。 | Ame ga furidashi shidai, sentakumono o inside kudasai. | As soon as it starts raining, bring in the laundry. |
彼女が料理を作り次第、私たちは食べます。 | Kanojo ga ryouri o tsukuri shidai, watashitachi wa tabemasu. | As soon as she finishes cooking, we can eat. |
あなたが準備でき次第、行きましょう。 | Anata ga junbi deki shidai, ikimashou. | As soon as you’re ready, we can go. |
彼が箱を受け取り次第、あなたに通知します。 | Kare ga hako o uketori shidai, anata ni tsuuchishimasu. | As soon as he receives the package, he will notify you. |
店が開き次第、買い物に行ける。 | Mise ga hiraki shidai, kaimono ni ikeru. | As soon as the store opens, we can go shopping. |
映画が始まり次第、ポップコーンを取ります。 | Eiga ga hajimari shidai, popcorn o torimasu. | As soon as the movie starts, we’ll get popcorn. |
彼が宿題を終わり次第、遊んでもいい。 | Kare ga shukudai o owari shidai, asonde mo ii. | As soon as he finishes his homework, he can play. |
したらすぐに shitara sugu ni
すぐに means “right away”. So, when paired with the たら tara form of a verb, it becomes a sentence similar to “When ___ happens, ___ will happen”.
Verb たら + すぐに + [event]
It is used to express “When the verb happens, immediately after [event] will happen.”
japanese | romaji | english |
家へ帰ったら、すぐに電話する。 | Iie ni kaettara, sugu ni denwa suru. | I’ll call you as soon as I get home. |
先生が聞いた通り、彼女はすぐに答えました。 | Sensei ga kiita toori, kanojo wa sugu ni kotae mashita. | She answered the question as soon as the teacher asked. |
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japanese | romaji | english |
彼は犬を見たら、すぐに撫でた。 | Kare wa inu o mitara, sugu ni nadeta. | As soon as he saw the dog, he petted it. |
信号が青いだず、すぐに車が動き出した。 | Shingou ga aoida sugu ni, kuruma ga ugokidashita. | As soon as the light turned green, the car moved. |
彼女は食べ終わったら、すぐに食器を洗いました。 | Kanojo wa tabe owattara, sugu ni shokki o araimashita. | As soon as she finished eating, she washed the dishes. |
鞄を片付けたら、すぐに空港に出る。 | Kaban o katadzuketara, sugu ni kuukou ni deru. | We will leave for the airport as soon as we pack our bags. |
彼はそれを受け取ったら、すぐにメールを返事する。 | Kare wa sore o uketottara, sugu ni meiru o henji suru. | He will reply to your email as soon as he receives it. |
雨がやんだら、すぐに外で遊びました。 | Ame ga yamidara, sugu ni soto de asobimashita. | As soon as the rain stopped, they went outside to play. |
音楽が始まりだら、すぐに踊り出しました。 | Ongaku ga hajimaridara, sugu ni odoridashimashita. | As soon as the music started, they began to dance. |
彼は駅に着いたら、すぐにあなたに電話する。 | Kare wa eki ni tsuitara, sugu ni anata ni denwa suru. | He will call you as soon as he arrives at the station. |
そばから soba kara
This phrase is used to show you’re upset at a repeating pattern.
Think of it as “Oh my God… As soon as I do ___, ___ happens which completely negates my hard work.”
Verb (dictionary form) / Verb (た form) + そばから + [event]
It is used to express “As soon as verb happens, [event] happens (and negates my hard work)”:
japanese | romaji | english |
漢字の文字を覚えるそばから、忘れる。 | Kanji no moji o oboeru soba kara, wasureru. | As soon as I learn a new kanji character, I forget it. |
私の子供は食べたそばから、お腹がすいて泣く。 | Watashi no kodomo wa tabeta soba kara, onaka ga suite naku. | As soon as my child has eaten, he starts crying that he’s hungry. |
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japanese | romaji | english |
家を掃除を終えたそばから、また汚れる。 | Ie o souji o shiawaseta soba kara, mata abunai. | As soon as I finish cleaning the house, it gets messy again. |
パソコンをオンにしたそばから、コンソールが起きる。 | Pasokon o on ni shita soba kara, konsō ga okiru. | As soon as I turn on the computer, it crashes. |
一つ修すそばから、もう一つ壊れる。 | Hitotsu naosu soba kara, mou hitotsu kowareru. | As soon as I fix one thing, another thing breaks. |
仕事を終わらすそばから、もっと多くの仕事が割り当てられる。 | Shigoto o owarasu soba kara, motto takusu ga ataisareru. | As soon as I finish my work, more tasks are assigned. |
体で適応できるそばから、電話が鳴る。 | Taitei ni nareru soba kara, denwa ga naru. | As soon as I get comfortable, the phone rings. |
傘をしまうそばから、雨が降りだす。 | Kasa o shimau soba kara, ame ga furidasu. | As soon as I put away my umbrella, it starts raining. |
締め切った果物を選ぶそばから、腐る。 | Shimekitta kudamono o erabu soba kara, kusaru. | As soon as I pick the ripe fruit, it spoils. |
お金をためるそばから、意外な支出が出てくる。 | Okane o tameru soba kara, igai na shihi ga detekuru. | As soon as I save money, unexpected expenses come up. |
Here is a summary of all that was studied in this lesson:
- が早いか is used with verb (dictionary form).
- や否や is identical to が早い ga hayai ka, but is only used in writing.
- 次第 follows Verb ます masu.
- したらすぐに is used a lot in conversation.
- そばから carries a nuance of being annoyed that something keeps happening despite your efforts.

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How to say as soon as in Japanese?
Verb (dictionary form) + が早いか
This is used to express “as soon as ___ happens, ___ happens”.
As soon as the game started, he hit a home run.
Kare wa shiai ga hajimaru ga hayai ka, homuran o utta.
Remove ます from the verb + add 次第 (shidai)
This is used to express “As soon as x happens, y”.
As soon as the sun sets, it gets dark.
Taiyou ga shizumi shidai, kuraku narimasu.
Verb たら tara + すぐに sugu ni + [event]
It is used to express “When the verb happens, immediately after X will happen.”
I’ll call you as soon as I get home.
Iie ni kaettara, sugu ni denwa suru.
How to say although in Japanese?
The conjunctions けれども (formal) and けど (formal and informal) are like “although” and are used to indicate a contrast between two ideas or situations.
Both けれども and けど can be used in both spoken and written Japanese.
To use けれども and けど you can just add it to verbs and i-adjectives.
HOWEVER || You need to add だ after nouns and na-adjectives before you add it to them.
Ame ga futte ita keredomo, sanpo ni ikimashita.
Although it was raining, I still went for a walk.
Check out the full lesson on although in Japanese here.
How to say after all in Japanese?
The Japanese expression for “after all” is それでもやはり (soredemo yahari).
This phrase is used to indicate that something is still true or relevant even after considering other factors.
You can use it in a variety of contexts, such as when you are expressing surprise, confirming a fact, or emphasising a point.
Place this word at the beginning of the second part of your sentence:
Kanojo wa isogashii hito dakedo, soredemo yahari watashitachi to atte kureta.
She’s a busy person, but after all, she still met with us.
Check out the full lesson on after all in Japanese here.
How to say for now in Japanese?
とりあえず is an incredibly native-sounding way to express “for now”.
Its use can be difficult at times because it can be used in many ways, but if you use it like the example sentences below, you’ll be sure to blow minds.
It’s often used to express a temporary idea or solution before a better one can be found.
Toriaezu, kore de ochitsukimashou.
For now, let’s settle with this.
Toriaezu, tabemono wo youi shimashou.
For now, let’s prepare some food.
Toriaezu, koko de machimashou.
For now, let’s wait here.
Check out the full lesson on for now in Japanese here.
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