Welcome to a beginner lesson on how to say “with” in Japanese.
We’ll teach you various ways to express “with” in Japanese, with multiple examples to help you understand how to form sentences.

と to
The particle と (to) is a versatile particle in Japanese that is often used to indicate the person, thing, or entity that someone is “with” or “together with.”
This particle can be used with both animate and inanimate objects.
Noun + と
He lives with a cat.私は犬と散歩に行きます。
I go for a walk with my dog.View More Phrases
彼は猫と暮らしています。 | Kare wa neko to kurasu shiteimasu. | He lives with a cat. |
私は友達と旅行に行きます。 | Watashi wa tomodachi to ryokou ni ikimasu. | I’m going on a trip with my friend. |
彼女は弟と一緒に買い物に行きました。 | Kanojo wa otouto to issho ni kaimono ni ikimashita. | She went shopping with her younger brother. |
私たちは家族と一緒に食事をします。 | Watashitachi wa kazoku to issho ni shokuji o shimasu. | We have meals with our family. |
彼は妹と一緒に映画を見ました。 | Kare wa imouto to issho ni eiga o mimashita. | He watched a movie with his younger sister. |
私は彼と一緒に勉強します。 | Watashi wa kare to issho ni benkyou shimasu. | I study with him. |
彼女は彼と結婚するつもりです。 | Kanojo wa kare to kekkon suru tsumori desu. | She plans to marry him. |
彼は妻と共に過ごしたいと思っています。 | Kare wa tsuma to tomo ni sugoshitai to omotte imasu. | He wants to spend time with his wife. |
私は犬と散歩に行きます。 | Watashi wa inu to sanpo ni ikimasu. | I go for a walk with my dog. |
彼女は彼と話をするのが好きです。 | Kanojo wa kare to hanashi o suru no ga suki desu. | She likes to talk with him. |
一緒に issho no
The phrase 一緒に literally means “together with” or “in company with” and is commonly used to express the idea of doing something with someone or something.
一緒に is often put after と when it’s used in the middle of a sentence.
Noun + と + 一緒に
Would you like to study together?息子と一緒に遊びました。
I played with my son.View More Phrases
先生と一緒に散歩しました。 | Sensei to issho ni sanpo shimashita. | I went for a walk with my teacher. |
友達と一緒に映画を見に行きます。 | Tomodachi to issho ni eiga wo mi ni ikimasu. | I’m going to the movies with my friends. |
彼女と一緒に旅行に行きたいです。 | Kanojo to issho ni ryokou ni ikitai desu. | I want to go on a trip with her. |
兄と一緒にコンサートに行きました。 | Ani to issho ni konsaato ni ikimashita. | I went to a concert with my older brother. |
私たちは一緒にプロジェクトを完了しました。 | Watashitachi wa issho ni purojekuto wo kanryou shimashita. | We completed the project together. |
彼は犬と一緒に暮らしています。 | Kare wa inu to issho ni kurashite imasu. | He lives with his dog. |
友達と遊びに行く予定ですが、彼女と一緒に行くことも考えています。 | Tomodachi to asobi ni iku yotei desu ga, kanojo to issho ni iku koto mo kangaete imasu. | I plan to hang out with friends, but I’m also considering going with her. |
一緒に昼ごはんを食べましょう。 | Issho ni hirugohan wo tabemashou. | Let’s have lunch together. |
と共に to tomo ni
The phrase と共に (to tomo ni) means “together with” or “along with”.
It is often used in more formal or written contexts, you wouldn’t really use this one when having daily conversations.
Spending time with nature has a positive influence on the mind and body.View More Phrases
太陽が昇ると共に、鳥たちのさえずりが聞こえてくる。 | Taiyō ga noboru to tomo ni, tori-tachi no saezuri ga kikoete kuru. | With the rising of the sun, the chirping of the birds can be heard. |
経験と共に、彼はより賢くなった。 | Keiken to tomo ni, kare wa yori kashikoku natta. | With experience, he became wiser. |
時間と共に、私たちはお互いに近くなっていった。 | Jikan to tomo ni, watashitachi wa otagai ni chikaku natte itta. | With time, we became closer to each other. |
学びと共に、私たちは成長していく。 | Manabi to tomo ni, watashitachi wa seichō shite iku. | With learning, we grow. |
伝統的な料理と共に、地元のワインを楽しんだ。 | Dentō-teki na ryōri to tomo ni, jimoto no wain o tanoshinda. | We enjoyed local wine with traditional cuisine. |
暴力と共に、脅迫も犯罪である。 | Bōryoku to tomo ni, kyōhaku mo hanzai de aru. | Coercion is a crime along with violence. |
音楽と共に、私たちは楽しい夜を過ごした。 | Ongaku to tomo ni, watashitachi wa tanoshii yoru o sugoshita. | We spent a fun evening with music. |
健康的な食事と共に、運動も大切だ。 | Kenkō-teki na shokuji to tomo ni, undō mo taisetsu da. | Exercise is also important along with a healthy diet. |

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- Learn how to say with in Korean
- Learn how to say with in Chinese
- Learn how to say with in Vietnamese
How do you say with in Japanese?
The particle と (to) is a versatile particle in Japanese that is often used to indicate the person, thing, or entity that someone is “with” or “together with.”
This particle can be used with both animate and inanimate objects.
Kare wa neko to kurasu shiteimasu.
He lives with a cat.
Watashi wa kare to issho ni benkyou shimasu.
I study with him.
What is the most basic sentence structure?
The most basic Japanese sentence structure is:
Subject + は + Object + です.
This sentence structure is used for generalised things or stating facts.
What are some basic Japanese particles?
Some of the basic Japanese particles you should know about early in your studies are:
The Topic Marker は
The Question Particle か
The Possessive Particle の
The Addition Marker も
The Direct Object Marker を
The Connecting Particles と and や
You can learn all about them in our grammar bank, with examples!
How do you say and in Japanese?
The particle と (to) is used to connect nouns or noun phrases that are being compared or are in a partnership.
This is probably the simplest way to convey “and” and one you’ll use all the time.
Kanojo wa neko to inu wo katte iru.
She has a cat and a dog as pets.
Kare wa jitensha to basu de tsuukin shite iru.
He commutes to work by bicycle and bus.
Can I learn Japanese online with LTL?
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Can I learn Japanese in Japan with LTL?
Yes you can!
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