The present tense is the bread and butter of any language. Even the most basic sentences require a present tense verb.
Today, let’s take a look at this fundamental tense in Japanese.

The dictionary forms of verbs do exactly what they say on the tin. They’re the form you’ll find if you look for words in a dictionary or translation app.
Unfortunately, there’s not much to be said about the dictionary forms, other than you have to just learn them.
Here are some super common ones:
Japanese | Romaji | English |
食べる | taberu | to eat |
行く | iku | to go |
来る | kuru | to come |
見る | miru | to see |
聞く | kiku | to ask/listen |
する | suru | to do |
ある | aru | to exist (for inanimate objects) |
いる | iru | to exist (for animate objects) |
行う | okonau | to perform/conduct |
使う | tsukau | to use |
書く | kaku | to write |
読む | yomu | to read |
話す | hanasu | to speak/talk |
泳ぐ | oyogu | to swim |
知る | shiru | to know |
走る | hashiru | to run |
買う | kau | to buy |
持つ | motsu | to hold/carry |
見せる | miseru | to show |
作る | tsukuru | to make/create |
You can use the dictionary forms in daily conversation as they are casual in tone. You wouldn’t use this form for many situations other than talking to close friends.
ます masu
You might be aware that the Japanese language has many levels of politeness.
Today, we’ll look at 丁寧語 teineigo, polite language. This form of verbs is what you should use when you’re speaking to anyone but a friend. If you’re in the office, or at a restaurant, or at the post office, you might choose to use this form.
丁寧語 teineigo polite language is easily identifiable by the ます masu ending.
When learning how to convert the dictionary forms to the ますmasu form, you need to know what type of verb you’re dealing with.
Japanese verbs are divided into:
- 一段 ichidan
- 五段 godan
- irregular verbs.
一段 verbs
一段 ichidan verbs end in える eru or いるiru.
For example, 食べるtaberu to eat ends in an eru sound, and 見るmiru to see ends in an iru sound.
To make the ますmasu form of these verbs:
- take off the るru at the end
- put a ますmasu in its place
五段 verbs
五段 godan verbs all end in うu sounds.
For example, 行くiku to go ends in ku, which is an うu sound. These verbs can end in くku、ぐgu、むmu、ぬnu、うu、つtsu、すsu、ぶbu、るru (not to be confused with 一段ichidan verbs).
To make the ますmasu form:
- change the last syllable for an いi sound
- and throw on ますmasu.
For example: 行くiku → 行きiki → 行きますikimasu.
NOTE || Be careful with the following:
つ tsu changes to ち chi
す su changes to し shi
う u changes to い i
Irregular verbs
There are also some irregular verbs.
- する suru to do changes to しますshimasu.
- 来る kuru to come changes to 来ます kimasu.
Let’s take a look at the verbs from before, this time with their ますmasu form too:
Japanese | Romaji | English | ます masu Form |
食べる | taberu | to eat | 食べます tabemasu |
行く | iku | to go | 行きます ikimasu |
来る | kuru | to come | 来ます kimasu |
見る | miru | to see | 見ます mimasu |
聞く | kiku | to ask/listen | 聞きます kikimasu |
する | suru | to do | します shimasu |
ある | aru | to exist (for inanimate objects) | あります arimasu |
いる | iru | to exist (for animate objects) | います imasu |
行う | okonau | to perform/conduct | 行います okonaimasu |
使う | tsukau | to use | 使います tsukaimasu |
書く | kaku | to write | 書きます kakimasu |
読む | yomu | to read | 読みます yomimasu |
話す | hanasu | to speak/talk | 話します hanashimasu |
泳ぐ | oyogu | to swim | 泳ぎます oyogimasu |
知る | shiru | to know | 知ります shirimasu |
走る | hashiru | to run | 走ります (hashirimasu) |
買う | kau | to buy | 買います (kaimasu) |
持つ | motsu | to hold/carry | 持ちます (mochimasu) |
見せる | miseru | to show | 見せます (mimasemasu) |
作る | tsukuru | to make/create | 作ります (tsukurimasu) |
If you’ve learned a language before, you might be aware that very often verb tenses don’t exactly line up in every language.
So, it’s important to learn what each tense is used for. The Japanese present tense is used to express:
- Present actions
- Habitual actions
- Future actions
- Generalisations
毎日昼ご飯を食べます。 | Mainichi hirugohan o tabemasu | I eat lunch every day | habitual action |
日本へ行く。 | Nihon e iku | I am going to Japan | future action |
勉強します。 | Benkyou shimasu | I study | present action |
毎週日曜日に散歩をします。 | Maishuu nichiyoubi ni sanpo o shimasu | I go for a walk every Sunday | habitual action |
これは役に立つ。 | Kore wa yaku ni tatsu | This is useful | generalization |
何を見ていますか。 | Nani o mite imasuka | What are you looking at? | present action |
毎晩テレビを見ます。 | Maiban terebi o mimasu | I watch TV every night | habitual action |
明日友達に会います。 | Ashita tomodachi ni aimasu | I will meet my friends tomorrow | future action |
日本語を話す。 | Nihongo o hanasu | I speak Japanese | present action |
毎朝ジョギングをします。 | Maiasa joggingu o shimasu | I go jogging every morning | habitual action |
今何をしていますか。 | Ima nani o shite imasuka | What are you doing right now? | present action |
休日に映画を見ます。 | Kyuujitsu ni eiga o mimasu | I watch movies on weekends | habitual action |
彼は来週パリへ行きます。 | Kare wa raishuu Pari e ikimasu | He will go to Paris next week | future action |
子供たちは元気です。 | Kodomotachi wa genki desu | The children are energetic | generalization |
毎晩ディナーを作ります。 | Maiban dinā o tsukurimasu | I make dinner every night | habitual action |
彼女は絵を描きます。 | Kanojo wa e o kakimasu | She draws pictures | present action |
明日は天気がいいです。 | Ashita wa tenki ga ii desu | The weather will be good tomorrow | generalization |
If you want to form the negative sentences, you would follow the rules below:
- Casual 一段 verbs – Take off the るand replace it with ない.
- Polite 一段 verbs – Take off the ますand replace it with ません.
- Casual 一 五段 verbs – Change the last syllable with its あ equivalent and add ない.
- E.g., 書くto write → 書か→ 書かない don’t write.
- Polite 一 五段 verbs – Take off the ます and replace it with ません.
- Irregular – 来るbecomes 来ない. する becomesしない.
毎日昼ご飯を食べない。 | Mainichi hirugohan o tabenai | I don’t eat lunch every day | habitual action |
日本へ行かない。 | Nihon e ikanai | I’m not going to Japan | future action |
勉強しません。 | Benkyou shimasen | I don’t study | present action |
毎週日曜日に散歩をしません。 | Maishuu nichiyoubi ni sanpo o shimasen | I don’t go for a walk every Sunday | habitual action |
これは役に立たない。 | Kore wa yaku ni tatanai | This is not useful | generalization |
何も見ていませんか。 | Nanimo mite imasenka | Aren’t you looking at anything? | present action |
毎晩テレビを見ない。 | Maiban terebi o minai | I don’t watch TV every night | habitual action |
明日友達に会いません。 | Ashita tomodachi ni aimasen | I won’t meet my friends tomorrow | future action |
- The casual form of verbs needs to be remembered and end in an うu sound.
- The casual form should only be used between friends.
- The polite form of verbs ends in ますmasu, and their construction depends on whether they’re a 一段ichidan, 五段godan, or irregular verb.
- The polite form should be used in almost every situation when you are talking to someone who isn’t a close friend.
- The present tense in Japanese can be used for a variety of purposes, including talking about the present, future, or generalizations.
- The negative present tense of verbs ends in ないnai or ませんmasen.

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:
- Review the past tense in Japanese
- Review the future tense in Japanese
- Review the continuous tense in Japanese
How to use the ます form?
With 一段 ichidan verbs:
– Take off the るru at the end
– Put a ますmasu in its place
With 五段 godan verbs:
– Change the last syllable for an いi sound
– And throw on ます masu
With irregular verbs:
– する suru to do changes to しますshimasu.
– 来る kuru to come changes to 来ます kimasu.
When to use the Japanese polite form?
The Japanese polite form is called 丁寧語 teineigo, also known as polite language.
This form is what you should use when you’re speaking to anyone but a friend. If you’re in the office, or at a restaurant, or at the post office, you might choose to use this.
How to negate present tense in Japanese?
If you want to form the negative sentences, you would follow the rules below:
Casual 一段 verbs – Take off the るand replace it with ない.
Polite 一段 verbs – Take off the ますand replace it with ません.
Casual 一 五段 verbs – Change the last syllable with its あ equivalent and add ない.E.g., 書くto write → 書か→ 書かない don’t write.
Polite 一 五段 verbs – Take off the ます and replace it with ません.
Irregular – 来るbecomes 来ない. する becomesしない.
How to negate the past tense in Japanese?
The rules for forming the past-negative tense are consistent across all verbs.
You simply begin with the negative form of the verb, eliminate the いi from the ないnai ending, and substitute it with かったkatta.
Negated verb + かった
To make the formal negative tense, you would change the ます masu form of the verb to ませんでした masen deshita.
Where can I find more B1 lessons like this?
Check out our Japanese Grammar Bank, where you’ll find lessons for levels A1, A2 and B2.
Can I study Japanese in Japan with LTL?
Yes you can!
We offer group and individual classes in Tokyo, for the duration of your choice.
You can even stay with a homestay family to really immerse yourself in the Japanese culture and discover a Japanese’s family lifestyle.