The Japanese language, like Korean or Javanese, has several levels of politeness when addressing someone, it is called Honorifics:
- Polite language (丁寧語, teineigo);
- Respectful language (尊敬語, sonkeigo);
- Humble language (謙譲語, kenjōgo)
These honorifics change depending on who you are talking to, and it is important to learn them so you don’t inadvertently offend or disrespect someone!
丁寧語 teineigo
The basic Japanese polite form is called 丁寧語 (ていねいご).
Many people start learning this form by default when they are just getting started with Japanese. It is the form we use when ending our sentences with ます and です (using the ます forms of verbs, and using です as the copula—to be, or is).
私はカレンです | わたしはかれんです | watashi wa karen desu | I am Karen |
映画を見ました | えいがをみました | eiga wo mimashita | I saw a movie |
Another very common example of 丁寧語 is ございます (gozaimasu).
ございます is the polite form of the verb ある (aru), to exist. This exists in some basic phrases in Japanese as a default.
ありがとうございます | arigatou gozaimasu | Thank you very much |
おはようございます | ohayou gozaimasu | Good morning |
尊敬語 sonkeigo
The next level of politeness is 尊敬語 (そんけいご), or respectful language.
When speaking Japanese, we show our respect for people by a) elevating their actions, and b) humbling our own actions.
The distinction between the actions of the other and the actions we make ourselves is key, since we do not want to elevate our own actions or belittle someone else’s!
尊敬語 is used when talking about the actions or things of others who are superior to you.
A way to start adding politeness to words is by attaching prefixes お- and ご- to words.
The trick here is knowing which prefix to use which which word, and which words don’t work with either prefix.
- お is used with words that come from Japanese origin;
- ご is used with words of Chinese origin, but exceptions do exist.
Words borrowed from other languages, usually written in katakana, won’t take either prefix, but when they do, it is お (おトイレ).
For many learners, the first sighting of this form might be in phrases like: お元気ですか (ogenkidesuka), how are you? or in words like お母さん (okāsan) and お父さん (otōsan).
This form is a sign of respect for the person you are talking to, and for the people and things that belong to them.
Here are some more examples of words that take on the お and ご prefixes:
お酒 | osake | Sake / alcohol |
お掃除 | osouji | Cleaning |
お電話 | odenwa | Telephone call |
ご注文 | gochuumon | Order |
ごゆっくり | goyukkuri | Take your time |
ご連絡 | gorenraku | Contact |
Different ways to use 尊敬語 (そんけいご)
There are few ways to use 尊敬語 (そんけいご) in sentences. Choose which one will depend on the context and just how honorific we are trying to be.
One way to do this is to add お to the Verb-stem or ご to the Noun and at the end add になります.
お (Verb-stem form) / ご (Noun) + になります
先生はお待ちになりました | sensei wa omachi ni narimashita | The teacher waited |
先生は大学をご卒業になりました | sensei wa daigaku wo gosotsugyou ni narimashita | The teacher graduated from university |
Using the PASSIVE FORM of the verb also makes it more polite:
先生は行かれますか | sensei wa ikaremasuka | Sensei, are you going? |
Some verbs have special honorific forms. For example:
見ます | mimasu | to see |
ご覧になります | goran ni narimasu | to see (respectful) |
If we are talking to someone above us, like a boss or a teacher, we can say:
この本をご覧になりましたか | kono hon wo goran ni narimashita ka | have you seen/read this book? |
謙譲語(けんじょうご) is used when talking about our own actions to someone superior to you.
謙譲語 kenjōgou
Honourifics can further be broken down into humble languages 謙譲語 (けんじょうご).
They are used when our actions have an affect on or involve a superior (謙譲語 1), and ones that do not involve or affect a superior (謙譲語 2).
Involving a superior || 謙譲語 1
To make a 謙譲語 1 verb, we can add お to the Verb-stem or ご to the Noun and at the end add します:
お (Verb-stem) / ご (Noun) + します
And there are also special forms of verbs that can be used, like:
お持ちします | o mochi shimasu | To hold (humble) |
ご連絡します | gorenraku shimasu | To contact (humble) |
見ます | mimasu | to see |
拝見します | haiken shimasu | to see (humble) |
So, if we are talking to someone of higher status about something we did, that involves them, we could use 謙譲語(けんじょうご) 1.
先生の写真を拝見しました | sensei no shashin wo haiken shimashita | I saw your (the teacher’s) photo |
The action of viewing in this sentence is done by the speaker, and it involves someone of a higher status (it is the teacher’s photo being viewed), so that’s why 謙譲語 1 is used.
Not involving a superior || 謙譲語 2
謙譲語 2 consists mostly of special verbs, like:
する | suru | To do |
致します | itashimasu | To do (humble) |
来る/行く | kuru / iku | To come / to go |
参ります | mairimasu | To go / to come (humble) |
Let’s say we are talking to the boss about going somewhere tomorrow, in a way that does not involve the boss at all.
明日そこに参ります | ashita soko ni mairimasu | I am going there tomorrow |
That sentence was using the 謙譲語 2 form of the verb 行く (いく), to go. What if we made the same sentence but using the 謙譲語 1 verb, 伺う(うかがう)?
明日そこに伺います | ashita soko ni ukagaimasu | I will be meeting you there tomorrow |
These sentences are the same except for the verb, and both verbs translate to “to go”. The first sentence uses a 謙譲語 2 verb, which does not involve a superior. This could be spoken to someone higher up when it does not directly involve them.
If the person speaking is meeting with a boss or teacher, the action would involve a superior, so the speaker should choose to use the 謙譲語 1 verb.
There are many different verbs for each category, so be sure to explore them on your own.
Here are just a few examples of how a verb can transform into respectful language and humble language.
To give | 上げる | お上げになる | 差し上げる | |
To eat | 食べる | 召し上げる | 頂く | |
To see | 見る | ご覧になる | 拝見する | |
To do | する | なさる | 致す | |
To know | 知る | ご存じ | 存じ上げる | 存じる |
To go | 行く | いらっしゃる | 伺う | 参る |

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Want to learn more? Check out these other free resources:
- Learn about honorifics verbs in Korean
- Learn about basic honorifics in Korean
What are honorifics in Japanese?
Honorifics can be described as multiple levels of politeness or respectfulness. It is used in the Japanese, Korean and Javanese languages.
In Japanese there are three levels of honorifics:
Polite language (丁寧語, teineigo);
Respectful language (尊敬語, sonkeigo);
Humble language (謙譲語, kenjōgo, or “modest language”)
What is Teineigo (丁寧語) in Japanese?
丁寧語 (teineigo) is the first level of honorifics in Japanese, also called the polite language.
Many people start learning this form by default when they are just getting started with Japanese. It is the form we use when ending our sentences with ます (masu) and です (desu).
What is Sonkeigo (尊敬語) in Japanese?
尊敬語 (sonkeigo) is the second level of honorifics in Japanese, also called the respectful language.
What is Kenjōgo (謙譲語) in Japanese?
謙譲語 (kenjōgo) is the third level of honorifics in Japanese, also called the humble language.
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