HOW TO USE あげる,くれる AND もらう
We teach you how to express giving and receiving in Japanese.
The grammar is not at all difficult, but these Japanese expressions of giving and receiving involve a unique concept.
Let’s see all of them together.

In Japanese, there are two expressions that mean “to give”: あげる and くれる .
You have to choose the right one depending on the context.
➡️ あげる is used when speaking from the giver’s perspective.
➡️くれる is used when speaking from the receiver’s perspective.
When you use くれる, the subject should always be the person who is giving, not you.
In addition to that, both あげる and くれる can be used for good things that probably make the receiver happy.
If giving does not result in any happiness or appreciation, we don’t use these expressions.
Subject (Giver) が + Target (Receiver) に + Object を + あげる / あげます / あげました
チョコレート好きですか?一つあげますよ。 | Chokoreeto suki desuka? Hitotsu agemasuyo. | Do you like chocolate? I can give you one. |
この本読み終わったらあなたにあげますね。 | Kono hon yomi owattara anata ni agemasune. | I will give you this book once I complete reading. |
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私は高橋さんに新しいかばんをあげました。 | Watashi wa Takahashi san ni atarashii kaban wo agemashita. | I gave a new bag to Mr. Takahashi. |
弟は友だちにおみやげをあげました。 | Otouto wa tomodachi ni omiyage wo agemashita. | My younger brother gave a souvenir to his friend. |
父は母にプレゼントをあげます。 | Chichi wa haha ni purezento wo agemasu. | My father will give a gift to my mother. |
お正月にはたくさんの人がお年玉をあげます。 | Oshougatsu niwa takusan no hito ga otoshidama wo agemasu. | So many people give New Year’s Gift on New Year’s Day. |
Subject (Giver) が + Target (Receiver) に + Object を + くれる /くれます/くれました
お父さんがお金をくれました。 | Otousan ga okane wo kuremashita. | My father gave me money. |
友だちがお気に入りの本をくれました。 | Tomodachi ga okiniiri no hon wo kuremashita. | My friend gave me his favorite book. |
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妹がチョコレートとビスケットをくれました。 | Imouto ga chokoreeto to bisuketto wo kuremashita. | My younger sister gave me chocolate and biscuit. |
先生がくれた辞書をいつも使っています。 | Sensei ga kureta jisho wo itsumo tsukatte imasu. | I’m always using the dictionary that my teacher gave me. |
幼なじみがラブレターをくれました。 | Osananajimi ga rabu retaa wo kuremashita. | My childhood friend gave me a love letter. |
友だちがくれた自転車は高級なものです。 | Tomodachi ga kureta jitensha wa koukyuu na mono desu. | The bicycle that my friend gave me is a very expensive one. |
もらう means “to receive”.
When you use もらう, you don’t have to pay attention to different perspectives.
You can use it whenever you are on the receiver’s side.
Subject (Receiver) が + Giver に/から + Object を + もらう/もらいます/もらいました
私は佐々木さんからこの本をもらいました。 | Watashi wa Sasaki san kara kono hon wo moraimashita. | I have received this book from Mr. Sasaki. |
私は父から毎月お金をもらっています。 | Watashi wa chichi kara maitsuki okane wo moratteimasu. | I am receiving money from my father every month. |
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今日給料をもらいます。 | Kyou kyuuryou wo moraimasu. | I will receive my salary today. |
プレゼントをもらうと嬉しくなります。 | Purezento wo morau to ureshiku narimasu. | I feel happy when I receive gifts. |
今年のバレンタインデーにチョコレートをたくさんもらいました。 | Kotoshi no barentaindee ni chokoreeto wo takusan moraimashita. | I received so many chocolates on this year’s Valentine day. |
野球大会で優勝したのでたくさんの褒め言葉をもらいました。 | Yakyuu taikai de yuushou shita node takusan no home kotoba wo moraimashita. | I received a lot of commendation because we won in the baseball tournament. |

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What difference between あげる, くれる, and もらう?
あげる is used when the giver is the speaker or someone else giving to another person.
くれる is used when the giver is someone else giving to the speaker or the speaker’s in-group.
もらう is used when the speaker or someone in their in-group receives something from someone else.
Can あげる and くれる be used interchangeably?
No, they cannot.
あげる focuses on the act of giving from the giver’s perspective, while くれる highlights the receiver’s perspective, especially when the receiver is the speaker or someone close to them.
Is there a polite form of あげる, くれる, and もらう?
Yes, the polite forms are あげます, くれます, and もらいます, respectively.
For highly formal situations, special verbs like 差し上げる, 下さる, and いただく are used.
How do I know which verb to use in a complex sentence with multiple participants?
Determine the perspective of the sentence (giver or receiver) and their relationship to the speaker.
Use あげる if focusing on the giver giving outward, くれる if the action benefits the speaker or their in-group, and もらう to describe receiving.
Can these verbs be used with non-tangible things, like help or advice?
Yes, they can.
For example, 助けてあげる (to help someone), 教えてくれる (to teach or explain to the speaker), or 助けてもらう (to receive help from someone).
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