Japanese Grammar Bank


Everyone at some point needs to be able to express include/exclude.

Whether you’re a fussy eater trying to make sure wasabi isn’t in your sushi, or if you’re buying something from a store and trying to see if tax is included in the price or not, they’re essential points to be able to express.


含まれていますか fukumareteimasuka

含める fukumeru is the Japanese for to include.

You can use the passive form in everyday situations to ask about whether something is included or not.

Let’s take a look at some examples below to get a feel for how to use this verb.


Phrase + 含まれていますか

ホテルの宿泊費には朝食が含まれていますかIs breakfast included in the hotel accommodation fee?
このプランには昼食が含まれていますかIs lunch included in this plan?
インターネットサービスには料金が含まれていますかIs the fee included in the internet service?
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商品の価格には消費税が含まれていますかIs consumption tax included in the product price?
レンタカーの料金にはガソリン代が含まれていますかIs the gasoline cost included in the rental car fee?
このパッケージには観光ツアーが含まれていますかDoes this package include a sightseeing tour?
会議の参加費には資料代が含まれていますかIs the document fee included in the conference participation fee?
飛行機のチケットには荷物の手配が含まれていますかIs baggage handling included in the airplane ticket?
グルメツアーには食事代が含まれていますかIs the meal cost included in the gourmet tour?
パーティーの招待状には飲み物が含まれていますかAre drinks included in the party invitation?
このカードには特典が含まれていますかDoes this card include any benefits?
スポーツクラブの会費にはトレーニング指導が含まれていますかIs training guidance included in the sports club membership fee?
旅行パッケージには保険が含まれていますかIs insurance included in the travel package?
この料金にはサービス料が含まれていますかDoes this price include a service charge?
レストランのディナーコースにはデザートが含まれていますかIs dessert included in the restaurant’s dinner course?
イベントの参加費には駐車券が含まれていますかIs a parking ticket included in the event participation fee?


込み komi

The usage of 込み komi is commonly seen in the context of pricing, fees, or bundled services to indicate that certain items or services are included in the overall cost.

An example is 税金込み zeikinkomi Tax included. You might see it directly added to nouns or with a が ga in-between.


Noun (+が) + 込み

コンサートのチケットには飲み物込みですか?Does the concert ticket include drinks?
このプランには朝食が込みです。Breakfast is included in this plan.
価格には税金が込みですか?Is the price inclusive of taxes?
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ホテルの宿泊料金にはWi-Fiが込みです。Wi-Fi is included in the hotel accommodation fee.
新しい携帯電話にはカメラが込んでいますか?Does the new cellphone include a camera?
この料金には送り込み料が含まれています。The shipping fee is included in this price.
会議の予定には昼食が込んでいますか?Is lunch included in the meeting schedule?
インターネット利用料金には電気代も込みです。The internet usage fee includes the electricity cost as well.
宿泊費には駐車場使用料が込んでいます。The accommodation fee includes the parking usage charge.
レンタル料金には保険が込む。Insurance is included in the rental fee.
商品の価格には送料が込んでいますか?Does the price of the product include shipping?
フルコースディナーには飲み物が込む。Drinks are included in the full-course dinner.
このセールには消費税が込んでいます。Consumption tax is included in this sale.


抜き nuki

You use 抜きwhen something is normally included in an item, but you would prefer it without.


Noun + 抜きにして(は)


Noun + 抜きで(は)


Noun + 抜きに(は)

A prime example of when you might want to use 抜きis when you go to a sushi restaurant.

Very often in Japan わさび wasabi is added to sushi by default. So, if you would like to order sushi without わさび, what would you say?

Well, because we would like to use a particle that explains the state in which we want the sushi, we would use で de.

So, you could say:

maguro nigiri wasabi nuki de onegaishimasu


I’d like the tuna nigiri without wasabi please.
彼はコーヒーを砂糖抜きで飲む。He drinks coffee without sugar.
仕事の話を抜きにして、食事に行こうよ。Let’s go for a meal without talking about work.
映画を見るとき、ポップコーン抜きにしては楽しくない。Watching a movie without popcorn is not enjoyable.
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メッセージを抜きにして、彼女と直接話そう。Let’s talk to her directly, without the use of messages.
試合は雨のために中止になり、得点は抜きにされた。The match was canceled due to rain, and the scores were disregarded.
彼は冗談抜きで真剣な顔をして言った。He said it with a serious expression, without joking.
彼は冷静さを抜きにして怒りっぽい性格だ。He has a quick-tempered personality, without the calmness.
仕事が終わったら、ストレス抜きにして散歩しよう。Let’s take a walk to relieve stress after work.
美味しい料理を楽しむことはカロリー抜きにして考えるべきだ。Enjoying delicious food is something to consider without worrying about calories.
彼女はスマートフォン抜きにしては生活できない。She can’t live without her smartphone.
旅行の計画を立てるとき、予算は抜きにしてもっと楽しいことを考えよう。When planning a trip, let’s think about more fun things without considering the budget.
この問題は感情抜きにして客観的に考える必要がある。It is necessary to think objectively about this issue without emotions.
話を聞くとき、先入観を抜きにして理解しよう。When listening to someone, try to understand without preconceptions.
彼は結果抜きにして、努力が大切だと信じている。He believes that effort is important regardless of the result.


なし nashi

You can add use なしnashi to a noun, similarly to 抜きnuki.


Noun + なしで(は)


Phrase + なしだ


Noun + なし + の + Noun

NOTE || There is a similarity in meaning and use to ない but なし isn’t usually preceded by a particle, whereas ない is.

As for the nuance, you use なしwhen you want to exclude something that isn’t necessarily added by default to an item.

That’s why with sushi we often use 抜き instead. However, this nuance is quite slight, so I wouldn’t get too bogged down in the early stages of learning these grammar points.

コーヒーなしで一日を始めるのは難しい。It’s difficult to start the day without coffee.
彼女はメイクなしで美しい。She is beautiful without makeup.
なしでピクニックができるといいね。It would be nice to have a picnic without rain.
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スマートフォンなしで生活するのは考えられない。I can’t imagine living without a smartphone.
旅行なしで彼女は幸せではない。She is not happy without traveling.
なしで理解し合えるのが友情だ。Understanding each other without words is friendship.
グルテンなしのパンが好きだ。I like bread without gluten.
彼の笑顔なしだと、部屋が寂しい。The room feels lonely without his smile.
お金なしでは、夢を追いかけるのは難しい。Chasing dreams without money is difficult.
ペットなしの生活も悪くない。A life without pets is not bad either.
仕事なしの週末はリラックスできる。Weekends without work are relaxing.
ストレスなしで健康的な生活を送りたい。I want to live a healthy life without stress.
笑い声なしの生活はつまらない。A life without laughter is boring.
私たちは計画なしで旅行に出かけた。We went on a trip without a plan.
大金なしの幸せもある。There is happiness without a lot of money.


  • 含まれていますか is a verb that can be used to ask Is ___ included?
  • 込み is often used with pricing and bundles to talk about what is included.
  • 抜き is used to exclude things that are normally included in something.
  • なし is similar to 抜き but carries a slightly different nuance.

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How to express including in Japanese?

含める fukumeru is the Japanese for to include.

You can use the passive form in everyday situations to ask about whether something is included or not.

Phrase + 含まれていますか

The usage of 込み komi is commonly seen in the context of pricing, fees, or bundled services to indicate that certain items or services are included in the overall cost.

An example is 税金込み zeikinkomi Tax included. You might see it directly added to nouns or with a が ga in-between.

Noun (+が) + 込み

How to express excluding in Japanese?

You use 抜きnuki when something is normally included in an item, but you would prefer it without.

Noun + 抜きにして(は)
Noun + 抜きで(は)
Noun + 抜きに(は)



Kare wa kōhī o satō nuki de nomu.

He drinks coffee without sugar.

You can add use なしnashi to a noun, similarly to 抜きnuki.

Noun + なしで(は)
Phrase + なしだ
Noun + なし + の + Noun

There is a similarity in meaning and use to ない but なし isn’t usually preceded by a particle, whereas ない is.

As for the nuance, you use なしwhen you want to exclude something that isn’t necessarily added by default to an item.

That’s why with sushi we often use 抜き instead. However, this nuance is quite slight, so I wouldn’t get too bogged down in the early stages of learning these grammar points.

How to use 込み in Japanese?

The usage of 込み komi is commonly seen in the context of pricing, fees, or bundled services to indicate that certain items or services are included in the overall cost.

An example is 税金込み zeikinkomi Tax included. You might see it directly added to nouns or with a が ga in-between.

Noun (+が) + 込み



Kono puran ni wa chōshoku ga komi desu.

Breakfast is included in this plan.

How to use 抜き in Japanese?

You use 抜きnuki when something is normally included in an item, but you would prefer it without.

Noun + 抜きにして(は)

Noun + 抜きで(は)

Noun + 抜きに(は)



Kare wa kōhī o satō nuki de nomu.

He drinks coffee without sugar.

Where to learn more Japanese grammar?

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