In English, there are basically two ways to connect sentences, either using the word “and” or “once”.
But Japanese has a slightly different way of connecting two or more sentences. Let’s see different patterns one by one.
The main point of this lesson is to learn how to use one of the verb conjugations called te-form. Te-form is a very very important topic to learn for Japanese learners. Why? Because te-form is used for various different purposes. For example, they can be used in…
・ Making requests
・ Giving and asking for permissions
・ Stating that something is forbidden
・ Forming a sentence that describes two or more events
In this lesson, we are going to focus on the fourth use of te-form, which can be used to combine 2 events or activities to form longer sentences.
The conjugation pattern of te-form is more complicated than other conjugations. So, let’s learn separate rules for 3 different groups such as verbs, い-adjectives, and な-adjectives.
First of all, let’s look at how to conjugate verbs into te-form. There are different ways to conjugate depending on the verb group.
U-verbs are divided into 5 subcategories based on the final syllable of their dictionary forms.
U-verbs ending with う, つ, and る:
To meet | 会う / au | 会って / atte |
To wait | 待つ / matsu | 待って / matte |
To take | 取る / toru | 取って / totte |
U-verbs end with む, ぶ, and ぬ:
To read | 読む / yomu | 読んで / yonde |
To play | 遊ぶ / asobu | 遊んで / asonde |
To die | 死ぬ / shinu | 死んで / shinde |
U-verbs end with く:
To write | 書く / kaku | 書いて / kaite |
To listen | 聞く / kiku | 聞いて / kite |
To sweep | 掃く / haku | 掃いて / haite |
*There is an exception. The word 行く(to go) ends with く, but it becomes 行く(iku) → 行って(itte).
U-verbs end with ぐ:
To swim | 泳ぐ / oyogu | 泳いで / oyoide |
To earn | 稼ぐ / kasegu | 稼いで / kaseide |
To pedal | 漕ぐ / kogu | 漕いで / koide |
U-verbs end with す:
To speak | 話す / hanasu | 話して / hanashite |
To give | 渡す / watasu | 渡して / watashite |
To reveal | 明かす / akasu | 明かして / akashite |
Ru-verbs are much simpler! Just take る off and replace it with て.
Remove る + replace with て
To sleep | 寝る / neru | 寝て / nete |
To eat | 食べる / taberu | 食べて / tabete |
To sit | 座る / suwaru | 座って / suwatte |
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs conjugate as follows.
Irregular verbs:
To do | する / suru | して / shite |
To come | 来る / kuru | 来て / kite |
Now, let’s consider how to connect different verb sentences.
V te-form 1, V te-form 2, ~
When two or more actions take place in succession, the actions are mentioned in the order of occurrence by using the te-form.
レストランに行って、昼食を食べます。 | Resutoran ni itte, gohan wo tabemasu. | I go to restaurant and eat lunch. |
学校に行って、勉強します。 | Gakkou ni itte, benkyou shimasu. | I go to school and study. |
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座って、本を読みます。 | Suwatte, hon wo yomimasu. | I sit and read the book. |
走って、会社に行きます。 | Hashitte kaisha ni ikimasu. | I run and go to my office. |
友達と会って、一緒にコーヒーを飲みました。 | Tomodachi to atte, issho ni koohii wo nomimashita. | I met my friend and had a cup of coffee together. |
明日は家の掃除をして、美味しいご飯を作ります。 | Ashita wa ie no souji wo shite, oishii gohan wo tsukuri masu. | Tomorrow I will clean my home and will cook delicious food. |
You can also conjugate adjectives. Let’s see the difference between い-adjectives and な-adjectives.
To conjugate い-adjectives, take い off and replace it with くて
Remove い + replace with くて
Big | 大きい / ookii | 大きくて / ookikute |
Small | 小さい / chiisai | 小さくて / chiisakute |
Cute | かわいい / kawaii | かわいくて / kawaikute |
な-adjectives don’t conjugate themselves. You can simply take な or だ off, and add で
Remove な or だ + add で
Beautiful | きれいな / kireina | きれいで / kireide |
Famous | 有名な / yuumeina | 有名で / yuumeide |
Useful | 便利な / benrina | 便利で / benride |
Let’s consider how to connect different adjective sentences.
[い adjective] ~くて、 ~ です。
今日は天気が良くて、暑いです。 | Kyou wa tenki ga yokute, atsui desu. | Today’s weather is good and hot. |
私の彼女はかわいくて、おしゃれです。 | Watashi no kanojo wa kawaikute, oshare desu. | My girlfriend is cute and fashionable. |
このレストランのとんかつは大きくて、美味しいです。 | Kono resutoran no tonkatsu wa ookikute, oishii desu. | This restaurant’s tonkatsu is big and delicious. |
この町は静かで、きれいです。 | Kono machi wa Shizuka de kirei desu. | This town is quiet and clean. |
私の彼氏はハンサムで、親切です。 | Watashi no kareshi wa hansamu de, shinsetsu desu. | My boyfriend is handsome and sweet. |
日本の新幹線は便利で、早いです。 | Nihon no shinkansen wa benri de, hayai desu. | The Japanese bullet train is useful and fast. |

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What is the て-form used for in Japanese?
The て form is used to connect verbs and clauses in a sentence, express sequential actions, and provide explanations.
It allows the speaker to link multiple actions or states in a fluid way.
How do you form the てform for different verbs?
The て form varies based on the verb group:
For -ru verbs, replace -ru with -te (e.g., 食べる → 食べて).
For -u verbs, the final consonant changes (e.g., 飲む → 飲んで).
Irregular verbs like する become して and 来る becomes きて.
Can I use the て form for polite sentences?
Yes, you can still use polite forms while connecting with the て form.
For example, 食べます (tabemasu) in the て form becomes 食べて, and you can continue the sentence using another polite verb.
How do I express sequential actions using the て form?
To express actions happening in sequence, you connect verbs using the て form. For example: 朝ご飯を食べて、学校に行きます (I eat breakfast and then go to school).
Can I study Japanese in Japan with LTL?
Absolutely! We offer group and individual classes in Tokyo.
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