In Japanese, expressing reasons and causes is often done with ので and から, each adding nuance to the statement.
Understanding when to use each form helps convey tone and politeness, allowing you to explain reasons clearly and appropriately.
You can use ので (node) to give the reason for the situation described in your sentence.
ので connects 2 sentences and it is similar to the word “so” in English, and it sounds slightly more formal and polite than one more expression we are going to learn in this article which is から.
ので is often used when you are gently expressing a reason, or when making an excuse.
The sentence structure is quite simple and straightforward, you just need to attach ので after the first sentence.
Verb (plain form) + ので
い adjective (plain form) + ので
な adjective (plain form) + な + ので
Noun + な + ので
NOTE || For な adjectives and nouns, you need to place な before ので.
今日はとても暑いので、外で運動はしません。 | Kyou wa totemo atsui node, soto de undou wa shimasen. | It is very hot today, so I will not do exercise outside. |
宿題が終わったので、今から友達の家に行きます。 | Shukudai ga owatta node, ima kara tomodachi no ie ni iki masu. | I have finished my homework, so I am now going to my friend’s house. |
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お腹がすいたので、夕食の前におやつを食べました。 | Onaka ga suita node, yuushoku no mae ni oyatsu wo tabe mashita. | I was so hungry, so I had some snacks before dinner. |
息子は賢いので、良い大学に行き、良い会社に就職できました。 | Musuko wa kashikoi node, ii daigaku ni iki, ii kaisha ni shuushoku deki mashita. | My son is smart, so he was able to get admission in a good university, and got job in a good company. |
彼女はかわいいし性格もいいので、大好きです。 | Kanojo wa kawaii shi seikaku mo ii node daisuki desu. | My girlfriend is cute and has a good personality, so I like her very much. |
今は休みなので、家族みんなで旅行に行きます。 | Ima wa yasumi nanode, kazoku minna de ryokou ni iki masu. | Now is holiday season, so we are going to make a trip as whole family. |
アメリカで働きたいので、英語を勉強します。 | Amerika de hataraki tai node, eigo wo benkyou shimasu. | I want to work in the united states, so I will learn English. |
Another conjunctive particle for expressing causes and reasons is から.
It is also similar to the English word “so” or “because”, the only difference between ので and から is the level of politeness each one has.
As explained in chapter 1, ので sounds more formal and polite, and から is often used in casual situations.
The structure of sentence is also similar to ので, you just need to add から to any part of speech and connect 2 sentences.
Verb (plain form) + から
い adjective (plain form) + から
な adjective (plain form) + だ + から
Noun + だ + から
家が散らかっているから、今日は大掃除をしようと思います。 | Ie ga chirakatte iru kara, kyou wa oosouji wo shiyou to omoimasu. | I think I will do thorough cleaning today, because my house is a little messy. |
私の家の裏は山だから、虫がたくさんいます。 | Watashi no ie no ura wa yama dakara, mushi ga takusan imasu. | There are so many insects here because behind my house is the mountain. |
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あなたは歌が上手だから、きっと優勝できると思うよ。 | Anata wa uta ga jouzu da kara, kitto yuushou dekiru to omou yo. | I am pretty sure you will win the competition because you are very good at singing. |
ハンサムだし優しいから、自慢の夫です。 | Hansamu dashi yasashii kara, jiman no otto desu. | I am proud of my husband because he is handsome and sweet. |
日本人の友だちがたくさんいるから、日本語を勉強することにしました。 | Nihon jin no tomodachi ga takusan iru kara, nihongo wo benkyou suru koto ni shimashita. | I have decided to study Japanese language because I have many Japanese friends. |
この本はとても難しいから、読むのに時間がかかりました。 | Kono hon wa totemo muzukashii kara, yomu noni jikan ga kakari mashita. | It took time for me to finish reading this book because its content was very difficult. |
今日は祝日だから会社も学校も休みです。 | Kyou wa shukujitsu da kara kaisha mo gakko mo yasumi desu. | Today is a public holiday, so both companies and schools are closed. |

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What differences between ので and から?
While both ので and から mean “because,” ので tends to sound more polite and soft, often implying a natural reason or context. から is a bit more direct and casual, often used in everyday conversation.
Can I use both ので and から in formal writing?
ので is generally more appropriate in formal or written Japanese, as it conveys a softer tone. から is used frequently in casual speech but can also appear in less formal writing.
Can ので and から be used interchangeably?
Not always. ので implies a slightly more factual or situational cause, while から is more assertive. In cases where politeness or indirectness is required, ので might be more suitable.
How do I use ので and から with nouns?
When using ので or から with nouns and na-adjectives, add な before ので (e.g., 学生なので) and use the plain form before から (e.g., 学生だから).
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