Japanese Grammar Bank


Welcome to a beginner lesson on how to say “and” in Japanese.

We’ll teach you various ways to express “and” in Japanese, with multiple examples to help you understand how to form sentences.



In Japanese, there are several ways to express the conjunction “and” depending on the context and the relationship between the connected elements.

The particle と is used to connect nouns or noun phrases that are being compared or are in a partnership.

This is probably the simplest way to convey “and” and one you’ll use all the time.


Noun 1 + と + Noun 2

Kanojo wa neko to inu wo katte iru.


She has a cat and a dog as pets.
Kanojowa suiei to tenisuga tokuida.


She is good at swimming & tennis.
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私は朝ご飯にパンコーヒーを食べる。Watashi wa asagohan ni pan to kouhii wo taberu.I eat bread and coffee for breakfast.
ハリーポッタースターウォーズが好き。Harīpottā to sutāuōzu ga suki.He likes Harry Potter and Star Wars.
日本に行くと、寿司ラーメンを食べたい。Nihon ni iku to, sushi to raamen wo tabetai.When I go to Japan, I want to eat sushi and ramen.
私はピアノギターを弾くことができる。Watashi wa piano to gitaa wo hiku koto ga dekiru.I can play the piano and guitar.
外国語を勉強すると、日本語英語がおすすめだ。Gaikokugo wo benkyou suru to, nihongo to eigo ga osusume da.When studying a foreign language, Japanese and English are recommended.
彼は自転車バスで通勤している。Kare wa jitensha to basu de tsuukin shite iru.He commutes to work by bicycle and bus.
私はバナナりんごを買ってきた。Watashi wa banana to ringo wo katte kita.I bought bananas and apples.
子供たちは公園で遊んで、ボールジャンプロープで遊んだ。Kodomotachi wa kouen de asonde, booru to janpu roopu de asonda.The children played at the park and played with a ball and jump rope.


The て te-form is a very common way to connect two verbs.

Making the て te-form is a lesson in itself, and one I’m sure you’ve looked at before, but we’ll outline the process here.

Ichidan verbsAdd て te to the verb stem食べる taberu (to eat)
起きるokiru (to wake up)
閉じるtojiru (to close)
Verbs ending inう u,
つ tsu, or る ru
Replace the ending
with って tte
会う au (to meet)
becomes 会って atte

立つ tatsu (to stand)
becomes 立って tatte
Verbs ending in ぬ nu, ぶ bu, or む muReplace the ending
with んで nde
飲む nomu (to drink)
becomes 飲んで nonde
Verbs ending in すsuReplaceすsu
with してshite
話す hanasu (to speak)
becomes 話して hanashite
Verbs ending in くkuReplace く ku
with いて ite
書く kaku (to write)
becomes書いて kaite
Verbs ending in ぐ gu Replace ぐ gu
with いで ide
泳ぐ oyogu (to swim)
becomes 泳いで oyoide

NOTE || Be careful with some important irregular verb conjugations like 行って itte (to go), 来てkite (to come), and してshite (to do).

You’ll have to learn how to use them individually.

本を読んで昼ごはんを食べました。Hon wo yonde hirugohan wo tabemashita.I read a book and had lunch.
宿題をしてテレビを見ます。Shukudai wo shite terebi wo mimasu.I will do my homework and watch TV.
雨が降っているので、家にいて読書をします。Ame ga futteiru node, ie ni ite dokusho wo shimasu.It’s raining, so I’m staying home and reading a book.
お風呂に入って寝ます。Ofuro ni haitte nemasu.I will take a bath and go to bed.
洋服を買って靴も買いました。Youfuku wo katte kutsu mo kaimashita.I bought clothes and shoes.
散歩して花を見ました。Sanpo shite hana wo mimashita.I went for a walk and saw some flowers.
料理をして食べます。Ryouri wo shite tabemasu.I will cook and eat.
パンを焼いてジュースを飲みました。Pan wo yaite juusu wo nomimashita.I baked bread and drank juice.
朝ごはんを食べて歯を磨きました。Asagohan wo tabete ha wo migakimashita.I ate breakfast and brushed my teeth.
プレゼントを買って友達に会いに行きます。Purezento wo katte tomodachi ni ai ni ikimasu.I will buy a present and go to see my friend.

Some important notes:

  • You can also use the て te-form to act as “and” with adjectives.
  • For な na-adjectives you just add でde to the adjective.
  • For i-adjectives you take off the final いi and addくて kute.
便利で安いBenri de yasui.Convenient and cheap
静かで広いShizuka de hiroi.Quiet and spacious
高くて新しいTakakute atarashii.Expensive and new
美しくて知的Utsukushikute chiteki.Beautiful and intelligent
難しくて面白いMuzukashikute omoshiroi.Difficult and interesting
暑くて湿度が高いAtsukute shitsudo ga takai.Hot and humid
軽くて速いKarukute hayai.Light and fast
忙しくて疲れたIsogashikute tsukareta.Busy and tired
楽しくて短いTanoshikute mijikai.Fun and short
甘くて美味しいAmakute oishii.Sweet and delicious



The particle し is used to connect nouns, adjectives, or verb phrases that are in a list or series.

This adds emphasis and can be thought of as being like “not only… but … too” in English.

Kono eiga wa omoshiroi shi, kandouteki da shi, himitsu da.


This movie is both interesting and moving, and a must-see.
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花子は優しいし、かわいいし、スマートだ。Hanako wa yasashii shi, kawaii shi, sumaatoda.Hanako is kind, cute, and smart.
前にも進めないし後ろにも下がれない。Mae ni mo susumenai shi ushiro ni mo sagarenai.I can’t go forward, and can’t go back.
あの店のラーメンは辛いし、美味しいし、一度食べてみるべきだ。Ano mise no raamen wa karai shi, oishii shi, ichido tabete miru beki da.The ramen at that restaurant is spicy, delicious, and worth trying at least once.
彼女はきれいし、頭がいいし、料理がうまい。Kanojo wa kirei shi, atama ga ii shi, ryouri ga umai.She is beautiful, smart, and good at cooking.
彼女は疲れている。頭痛がするし、背中も痛い。Kanojo wa tsukarete iru. zutsuu ga suru shi, senaka mo itai.She’s tired. She has a headache. She has a backache.
この音楽はリズミカルで楽しいし、感動的でもある。Kono ongaku wa rizumikaru de tanoshii shi, kandouteki demo aru.This music is both rhythmic and enjoyable, and also moving.
彼は仕事ができるし、人望がある。Kare wa shigoto ga dekiru shi, jinbou ga aru.He is capable at work and has charisma.
それは誰にもわからいし、誰も発見さえしていないことです。Sore wa dare ni mo wakarai shi, daremo hakken sae shite inai koto desu.That’s what nobody knew or ever found out.
わたしたちは皆、金持になりたいし、車を買いたいですよね。Watashitachi wa mina, kanemochi ni naritai shi, kuruma o kaitai desu yo ne.We all wish to be rich and to buy cars.

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How do you say and in Japanese?

The particle と (to) is used to connect nouns or noun phrases that are being compared or are in a partnership.

This is probably the simplest way to convey “and” and one you’ll use all the time.


Kanojo wa neko to inu wo katte iru.

She has a cat and a dog as pets.


Kare wa jitensha to basu de tsuukin shite iru.

He commutes to work by bicycle and bus.

What is the most basic Japanese sentence?

The most basic Japanese sentence structure is:

Subject + は + Object + です.

This sentence structure is used for generalised things or stating facts.

What are some basic Japanese particles?

Some of the basic Japanese particles you should know about early in your studies are:

The Topic Marker

The Question Particle

The Possessive Particle

The Addition Marker も

The Direct Object Marker

The Connecting Particles と and や

You can learn all about them in our guide, with examples!

What is the Japanese question marker?

か (ka) is used just like a question mark at the end of a sentence to make a question.

Any sentence can be turned into a question if か is added at the end.

Did you know?

The question mark as we know it, “?”, is never used in the Japanese Language

Learn more about asking questions in Japanese here.

Can I learn Japanese online with LTL?

Absolutely! We offer online Japanese lessons on our Flexi Classes platform.

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Check out our 7 Day Free Trial to start your learning journey.

Can I learn Japanese in Japan with LTL?

Yes you can!

We offer group and individual classes in Tokyo, for the duration of your choice.

You can even stay with a homestay family to really immerse yourself in the Japanese culture and discover a Japanese’s family lifestyle.


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