Japanese Grammar Bank


The Japanese language uses many particles to link nouns, verbs, subjects and others between them. Let’s have a look at the adjective particle が.

Make sure to check out lesson on Japanese Adjectives, that’ll definitely be useful before, or even after, studying this one.


There are two different kinds of adjectives, い (ii) adjectives and な (na) adjectives. Adjectives can be directly attached to nouns or subjects, like this:

黒い鞄kuroi kabanA black bag
きれいな家kirei na ieA clean house

The Japanese い (ii) adjectives can be used with 2 structures:


Adjective + noun + です.


Noun + は + adjective + です.

The な (na) adjectives can also be used with 2 structures:


Adjective + noun + です.


Noun + は + adjective (remove な) + です.


が is considered the adjective particle because of the way it directly links the subject of the phrase or sentence to its predicate. 


Subject + が + adjective

Taking the same examples from above, we can separate the adjective and the noun it is modifying to create a complete phrase or sentence.

黒いkaban ga kuroiThe bag is black
きれいie ga kireiThe house is clean

These examples don’t have a topic, but we can include one if we want to:

母は家きれいhaha wa ie ga kireiMy mother’s house is clean

This sentence can be more literally translated into, “As for my mother, her house is clean.”

We could easily say 母の家きれい as well, it just slightly changes the nuance and the focus. 

The takeaway here is that が creates a link between the word it is suffixed to and the adjective that follows it.

Let’s say we are looking at the sentence and try to determine what is “きれい (kirei)”, what is being described as beautiful.

We know it is 家 because it is followed by particle が. Even though 母(はは) is the topic of the sentence, the mother is not what is being described as きれい.

Furthermore, since が identifies what is being linked to the adjective, it does not need to directly precede that adjective.

この場所がパーティーにふさわしいkono basho ga paatii ni fusawashii  This place is suitable for the party

This example demonstrates the linking power particle が has to the adjective.

Even though the subject 場所(ばしょ, basho) is separated from the adjective by other information, it is unmistakable that what ふさわしい (appropriate, suitable) is 場所, because that is where the が is placed.

We also know that パーティー is not the predicate because it is marked with the direction particle に.


Here’s a very common structure with the な adjective: 好き(すき, suki), “to like”.  

Just like the first examples, 好き can modify nouns directly:

好きな食べ物sukina tabemonoFood that I like
好きな音楽sukina ongakuMusic that I like

Subject and predicate phrases using 好き can be constructed as well. But, unlike in English, “to like” in Japanese is an adjective.

If translating from English to Japanese, it can feel intuitive to use the object particle を, thinking about “like” as a verb.

However, since 好き is an adjective, we use the adjective particle!

私は寿司が好きwatashi wa sushi ga sukiI like sushi
白い服が好きshiroi fuku ga suki(I) like white clothes

It is important to remember that the が indicates what “is liked”, not the thing that “does the liking”. 

It can be a little confusing because in a sentence like:

彼が食べたkare ga tabetaHe ate

が marks the thing does the verb. With adjectives it’s a little different. 

In the following example, が serves the function of identifying what is liked, not what does the act of liking (which is instead 私, I). 

(私は)彼が好きkare ga sukiI like him

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What is the particle が in Japanese?

The particle が in Japanese is used to link adjectives to other words. It is the adjective particle.

You need to be careful, as it is also used sometimes as a subject particle.

What are the two types of adjectives in Japanese?

There are two different kinds of adjectives, い (ii) adjectives and な (na) adjectives.

How to use い adjectives and な adjectives?

The Japanese い (ii) adjectives can be used with 2 structures:

Adjective + Noun + です.

Noun + は + adjective + です.

The な (na) adjectives can also be used with 2 structures:

Adjective + Noun + です.

Noun + は + adjective (remove な) + です.

REVIEW || Make sure to check out our lesson on Japanese Adjectives.

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I need to review the Japanese alphabets, do you have a lesson?

Here are some links to help you learn the Japanese alphabets:

– Learn Katakana

– Learn Hiragana

– Learn Kanji

– The 3 Japanese alphabets


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