In this article, we will learn how to use ても for concession [permission] and condition.
In the Japanese language, it is common that the same expression or particle can be used in several ways to express different things.
ても is also like that.

To express concession or approval, it is common to use the phrase ~てもいい.
It is a combination of the て form and もいい, but actually いい can be replaced by other words that have a similar meaning.
For example, you can also say ~ても大丈夫, ~ても問題ない, ~ても構わない etc.
Verb (て form) + もいい
い adjective (て form) + もいい
な adjective (stem) + でもいい
Noun + でもいい
少しだけならビールを飲んでもいいです。 | Sukoshi dake nara biiru wo nondemo ii desu. | It is okay for you to have a beer if it’s not too much. |
明日は学校を休んでもいいですよ。 | Ashita wa gakko wo yasundemo ii desu yo. | You can take a day off from the school tomorrow. |
週に一回だけならポテトチップスを食べてもいいよ。 | Shuu ni ikkai dake nara poteto chippusu wo tabetemo iiyo. | You may eat potato chips if you limit it once a week. |
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今日は祝日だから勉強しなくてもいいです。 | Kyou wa shukujitsu dakara benkyou shinaku temo ii desu. | You don’t have to study because today is a public holiday. |
昼ごはんのメニューと晩ごはんのメニューが同じでもいいよ。 | Hiru gohan no menyuu to ban gohan no menyuu ga onaji demo ii yo. | I don’t mind even if the lunch and dinner menus are the same. |
好きなテレビ番組を見てもいいよ。 | Suki na terebi bangumi wo mitemo ii yo. | You may watch your favorite TV program. |
先生は英語がわかるから、英語で話してもいいよ。 | Sensei wa eigo ga wakaru kara, eigo de hanashitemo ii yo. | You may speak in English because our teacher can understand English. |
NOTE || As you saw in these examples, 〜てもいい is often followed by よ at the end of the sentence.
What if you want to ask for concession or approval? It’s so simple. You just need to attach か at the end of the sentence.
音楽を聴いてもいいですか? | Ongaku wo kii temo ii desu ka? | May I listen to music? |
明日休みを取ってもいいですか? | Ashita yasumi wo tottemo ii desu ka? | Can I take a day off from work tomorrow? |
今晩の予定をキャンセルしてもいいですか? | Konban no yotei wo kyanseru shitemo ii desu ka? | Can I cancel my appointment tonight? |
Now, let’s learn different ways of using ても.
It can be used as a conditional as well, as ても is similar to the English expression “even if”.
It is used to indicate a reverse condition and is especially suitable for hypothetical conditions.
Verb (て form) + も
い adjective (change last い to く) + ても
な adjective (stem) + でも
Noun + でも
お金がなくても、あなたは幸せな人生を送れます。 | Okane ga naku temo anata wa shiawase na jinsei wo okure masu. | You can have a happy life even if you don’t have money. |
丸一日食事をしなくても、大丈夫でしょう。 | Maru ichinichi shokuji wo shinaku temo, daijoubu deshou. | You will be fine even if you don’t eat food for a whole day. |
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うるさくても、僕はどこででもねられます。 | Urusaku temo boku wa doko de demo nerare masu. | I can sleep anywhere even if it’s noisy. |
ドライブに行きたくても、運転免許がありません。 | Doraibu ni ikitaku temo unten menkyo ga ari masen. | I don’t have a driving license even if I want to go for a drive. |
雨が降っても、明日は遊園地に行きます。 | Ame ga huttemo, ashita wa yuuenchi ni iki masu. | We will go to the amusement park tomorrow even if it rains. |
どれだけ疲れていても、毎日必ず本を読んでいます。 | Doredake tsukarete itemo, mainichi kanarazu hon wo yonde imasu. | I am reading books every day even if I am so tired. |
毎日3時間しか寝ていなくても、私は健康です。 | Mainichi 3 jikan shika nete inaku temo, watashi wa kenkou desu. | I am remaining healthy even though I am sleeping only 3 hours each day. |

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What is the difference between ても and けど?
ても emphasizes that the result will remain unchanged even if the condition happens, while けど simply connects contrasting ideas without implying a strong resistance to change.
Can ても be used with verbs and adjectives?
Yes, ても can be used with verbs, adjectives, and nouns to express concessions or conditions, but the conjugation differs slightly depending on the part of speech.
How does ても differ from のに?
While both express unexpected results, のに implies disappointment or surprise, whereas ても is neutral and focuses on the persistence of the outcome despite the condition.
Is ても used in formal or informal speech?
ても is versatile and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
For more formal speech, the equivalent でも or polite forms like ~てもいいです can be used.
Can ても be combined with other particles?
Yes, ても can combine with particles like どんなに (no matter how) or たとえ (even if), adding emphasis to the concessive condition.
For example, たとえ寒くても (even if it’s cold).
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